Alpha Male Myth or Reality: Understanding Male Menopause


During my recent sparring sessions at my boxing gym, I posed a question to my coach that I wasn’t sure how he would react to.

My question was based on my observation that the number of men in the gym was steadily decreasing. It goes without saying that many fighters were dropping out of sparring competitions, despite my increased attendance.

Without a doubt, I’ve noticed another trend: instead of seeing men dressed appropriately and in a way that is representative, we are increasingly becoming a society of tracksuits, shorts, baggy clothing, and XXXXL-size oversized T-shirts.

That was enough for my coach Rodney to explain his vision, and this article addresses the issue that most of the men don’t talk or have never been told that they can talk about it.

Even in the world I grew up in, stereotypes of Alpha Males and the hard-working communist working class persisted, telling us that a man never cries, never asks for help, and most importantly, a man is a man until the very end.

We all go through different stages of life, and as I mentioned, I understand that this is a taboo subject and that perhaps males don’t discuss it loudly and openly enough.

Well, hold on a second. I have personally felt some of the changes that males go through.

Upon leaving my conversation with coach Rodney, I began researching male menopause to learn more.

Andropause: What is it?

Men may undergo andropause, a condition that is comparable to women’s menopause, between the ages of 40 and 55.

In contrast to women, men do not have a distinct indicator, such as the end of menstruation, to indicate this change.

Nonetheless, both men and women experience a drop in hormone levels, with men experiencing a fall in testosterone and women in estrogen.

Until recently, only women experienced menopause symptoms.

But more and more medical professionals are beginning to see that men are increasingly exhibiting menopausal and perimenopausal symptoms that are similar to those of women.

Whether men can truly experience a “menopause” when their testosterone levels decline is a topic of contemporary medical debate.

The fact that males who have undergone testosterone hormone therapy have reported feeling less of the symptoms of the so-called “male menopause” lends credence to this theory.


Men’s physical changes happen very gradually. These changes may manifest in:

  • mood,
  • behaviour,
  • physical agility,
  • sex drive,
  • exhaustion,
  • there is also energy loss.

Furthermore, research has demonstrated that this drop in testosterone might also put a person at risk for other illnesses like osteoporosis and heart disease.

The changes often occur at a time when many men are reevaluating their values, accomplishments, and life direction, making it difficult to understand their connection to anything other than external conditions.

Hormones decrease over time

There is no way to predict who will develop andropause symptoms, even though almost all men will see a decrease in testosterone over time.

We’re all unique, like puberty happened differently.

The male “change” happens over several decades and is far more gradual than menopause, which typically happens in women in their mid-40s to mid-50s.

Many factors, such as attitude, psychological stress, alcohol, injuries or surgeries, drugs, obesity, and infections, can cause andropause.

There is no way to predict which men will have andropause symptoms severe enough to need medical attention, even though almost all men will see a fall in testosterone over time.

The age at which a person will exhibit symptoms is also uncertain.

Research from the Mayo Clinic indicates that at the age of 40, men’s testosterone levels typically drop by 1% annually. However, only 10% to 25% of older men have low testosterone levels, with the majority still having levels within the normal range.

People often overlook low testosterone levels in older men.

Furthermore, many guys with low testosterone don’t exhibit any symptoms.

Also, the symptoms and indicators linked to low testosterone are not exclusive to it.

A person’s age, drug usage, or other health issues, like having a body mass index of 30 or above, might also contribute to them.


  • diminished sexual desire and activity,
  • decreased spontaneous erection or erectile dysfunction,
  • breast pain or swelling,
  • infertility,
  • height loss,
  • Low trauma fracture, or
  • low bone mineral density, as well as hot flashes or perspiration,

are all indicators of low testosterone.

Decreased energy, motivation, and confidence, as well as a low mood and difficulty concentrating, are additional potential symptoms.

Additionally, minor unexplained anaemia, increased body fat, diminished muscular mass and strength, sleep disturbance, and increased sleepiness are possible.

There are treatment suggestions for low testosterone in older men.

If you are a male of a specific age, you should see a doctor.

My routine is to get this check-up every year, and because I regularly work out at the gym and train for boxing, I also get those basic check-ups a few times a year. Trust me, I’m more relaxed.

Still a taboo topic

Hormonal changes leading to reduced testosterone levels are the main cause of andropause.

Most affected men are 40 years of age or older.

To recognize if you have entered the andropause, you need to ask yourself a number of questions. These include whether you feel less energetic, more exhausted, depressed, or irritable than usual, or spend more of your leisure time watching TV.

A doctor should make a physical examination, ask about symptoms, run tests to rule out any underlying medical conditions, and do blood testing, which may involve measuring testosterone levels, to diagnose andropause.

Hormone therapy can alleviate symptoms including depression, exhaustion, and diminished libido if testosterone levels are low.

There are dangers and adverse consequences associated with hormone treatment for women.

For instance, testosterone replacement raises the risk of heart disease and exacerbates prostate cancer.

Of course, you should all talk to your doctor about this.

Eating well and exercising are not the only factors that contribute to excellent health.

Enjoying some alone time, connecting with friends, and having a decent laugh are all equally important.

Because it reduces stress and maintains the health of your prostate, sex is also beneficial to your body and mind.

Believe me, taking care of your health does not diminish your manliness.

Now that a new year has arrived, let’s finish this one and begin the next one with the greatest and most crucial choice of all: to look after our health.

Real men don’t cry. Or Do They?


During my childhood and adolescence, my father instilled in me the belief that true men never cry, as it is a sign of weakness, through actions such as smashing chairs, belting me, and punching me.

However, I was being told about manhood from an alpha male; at least my father was one of them, yet on the first day of the war, he grabbed my mom and left me in that war. I was 18 years old. He shares traits with many other Alpha Males.

As we approach the end of November, we celebrate Movember, a month dedicated to promoting men’s health. It goes without saying that health is the most valuable asset in life.

Without health, we will never be able to fulfill all of our dreams, aspirations, and desires, and we most likely won’t be able to consume them as we desire.

The effort to celebrate November as Men’s Health Month was dubbed Movember—a combination of the terms “moustache” and “November”—since” the moustache is designated as the movement’s symbol.

The overall purpose of the global campaign is to urge the male population to undergo frequent check-ups so that diseases can be recognized and treated in a timely manner, as prevention is the key to good health.

The emphasis is on physical issues such as prostate and testicular cancer, as well as sometimes overlooked issues including mental health and suicide.

My son, who tracks (celebrates) this month annually in his own unique way and understands the value of looking after his health as a medical student, also inspired me to consider health and the years of men.

Real men don’t cry

Real men don’t cry” is a statement I’ve heard a lot. Yes, exactly.

However, the reality is quite different, and men tend to cry more than women do.

It’s a misconception that real men don’t weep.

The “got” of this line is that it makes men think that denying emotions is the only way to handle them.

Additionally, there are other emotions such as joy, laughter, disappointment, fear, grief, and suffering.

Tears reflect the entire spectrum of those feelings.

Men and Aging

I am aware that this is a taboo subject and that maybe males don’t discuss it loudly and publicly enough, but we all experience different stages of life.

Some famous people, actors, and influencers, in my opinion, give the impression that they never age. If they do age, they do so gracefully.

Of course, anything is possible with today’s cosmetic surgery, but.

To feel content as you age, however, you don’t need to be a movie star or a celebrity with a fine car, an expensive yacht, or a youthful lover.

Our awareness of the risks that inevitably rise with age is something we frequently overlook, even though it is crucial.

Additionally, we must be ready to embrace healthy, preventative behaviours.

What causes ageing and how does it occur?

Genetics, living circumstances, education, employment, family, and psychology are the primary factors.

I can speak from personal experience when I claim that we age better if:

  • Regular exercise.
  • Healthy
  • We don’t smoke.
  • We refrain from drinking too much alcohol.
  • We have a network of support.
  • We know our purpose, key objectives in life and

I must admit that I haven’t adhered to all the principles for years. However, life still forces you to make certain choices and come to some realizations.

I’ve concluded from talking to my friends that males face the same difficulties as women do as they age.

We simply don’t discuss it as much and publicly.

The Reasons Behind Men’s Mental Health Issues

As I previously mentioned, people would view males as weak if they sought mental and physical care, especially in the field of mental health.

People have told us for years that asking for help is a sign of weakness.

You know, you’re a man, so suffer and keep quiet. Keep everything inside.

Chronic stress, undetected anxiety, and depression were and still are the results of it.

After years of life and experience, I have concluded—and I’m sure you have too—that we must first recognize the significance of our mental health.

Embrace your emotions

If, like me, you grew up believing that only girls can express their emotions and that boys don’t cry, keep in mind that you are a real, breathing human being with feelings of your own.

To be honest, we often spend our days—and possibly even our years—automatically. We are not, however, robots.

Burnout and misery are the results of such a life.

Identify these feelings, acknowledge them to ourselves, and then confront them. There is no shame in anything, I assure you. Even men cry.

Identify the signs and symptoms

Maintaining our mental health is crucial. In addition to looking after ourselves, we also serve as role models for our family, friends, and especially our children.

The following are some indicators that may point to issues:

  • Difficulty focusing,
  • Sensations of unease,
  • The quality and patterns of sleep can change.
  • Energy changes,
  • A change in appetite,
  • Significant mood changes…

Men are known to exhibit increased aggression, impatience, and dominating behavior when they are sad or nervous.
These traits can have a significant impact on both the man and his surroundings.

Work out

When you’re feeling down, it’s difficult to consider working out. However, this is the best thing you can do for yourself.

I can tell you this because I have firsthand experience. Even on days when I don’t feel like it, I force myself to go to the gym because it reduces stress, releases endorphins, and alleviates pain.

Believe me, it’s an incredible feeling to build yourself up and sweat it out in the gym.

Since you’ve finally taken care of yourself, your mood instantly improves.

Sweating, getting your heart and muscles moving, and having a beneficial physical outlet for stress and anxiety are all very important.

Maintain your physical well-being.

Numerous physical health problems can swiftly develop from suppressed mental health conditions.

Men who ignore their mental health problems frequently resort to poor eating habits and insufficient exercise, which eventually results in weight gain.

Additionally, long-term stress can have detrimental consequences on the immune system.

Conversely, maintaining your physical well-being through regular exercise and a balanced diet will help you maintain mental clarity.

Most significantly, one of the most important things you can do to be healthy is to see a doctor.

System of support

A network of support is crucial. You have a very tiny group of people you trust, and I’m specifically referring to men. However, since “No man is an island,” we all require emotional support from someone.

I think you have a friend or family member you can confide in, though it’s hard.

Be the first to admit you need a conversation and have weaknesses.

Seek professional help

We also require a professional therapist who will, first and foremost, establish a secure space for us to speak honestly while receiving all necessary professional assistance.

Your couch isn’t where you cry like in movies.

Okay, I’m getting a bit caricatured here, but this is very significant.

Write about it.

I can speak from personal experience when I say that I kept a journal when traveling alone throughout Europe in the middle of the year.

Believe me, that journal served as a tool for me to record my thoughts, sometimes in the form of a conversation with a friend, while also documenting the sites I visited and maintaining a daily vlog.

Journaling is a private act that you perform for yourself alone, free from criticism or evaluation. It’s something you own alone.

Writing down your ideas can be really freeing at times.

Who knows?

Perhaps we will turn our ideas into a book that will help someone else, or at least let them know they are not alone in this.

Furthermore, it’s not just November (Movember) when we should prioritize our physical and emotional well-being. Our health is our top priority, although we occasionally take it for granted.

We need to look after young males as well as men of a certain age throughout the year.

Control your high blood pressure and cholesterol, schedule routine examinations, and keep an eye on your testosterone levels.

Maintain a sharp mind by engaging in mental exercises, socializing, listening to music, spending time with friends and in nature, and getting psychological help if depression is an issue.

Make sure you get adequate sleep, exercise frequently, eat a healthier diet, quit smoking, and limit your alcohol intake.

As a friend once said, “When I’m well, everyone around me is well.” We all need to start with ourselves.

Masculinity Unwritten: Why Life, Not Books, Teaches Us How to Be a Man


Do you want to be a better man? Do you want to man up? Do you want to stop being Mr. Nice Guy and be that alpha male? And most importantly, do you want to reclaim your masculinity?

If the answer is yes, all you need to do is go online, watch videos, and purchase books from coaches and writers who will teach you how to be a superior man, an alpha male, and most importantly, a man with values that are necessary in today’s society.

You will only need to purchase a 20- or 30-dollar book, which is brimming with secrets. Once you master these secrets, don’t forget to share them with the rest of us.

So, let’s begin by exploring the secrets of becoming a better man, a better businessman, and improving in all aspects of life.

Dr. Google, the ultimate source of knowledge, claims that there are hundreds of books on topics such as masculinity and being an awesome man. Most prominent authors who have written extensively on masculinity hail from the United States.

The truth is that books are purely theoretical, lacking practical approaches or real-life drills, exercises, and strategies for resolving problems, obstacles, and critical situations. There is nothing more than theory in books, even when we add several hundred books or titles about masculinity to the mix.

A book about being an awesome Father

When my son was born, no one gave me a book with instructions on how to be a better father, how to be a father, or what a father must do.

Never, ever have I read one book about fatherhood except one that explains the development of a child, like what a baby does in the first month, with 6 months until the moment you realize my son told me, I love you—the most beautiful words I ever heard.

So, in a nutshell, I never read a book about fatherhood, and I knew few things about what was expected from me, and that is to give and provide unconditional love to my firstborn and to protect him from all risks and harms regardless of size, shape, and form.

As well, that included his mother and that I need to keep him clean, healthy, happy, and fed. That is a good start about being a normal father. No one can teach you those lessons, except you learn from your parents, in school, and from real-life examples.

Book about being an awesome Universal Soldier

I entered military school at age 14 in the midst of communism on a nice warm autumn day, and from the moment I entered school, I never got the book on how to be an awesome universal officer or soldier. NoThe government and my parents assigned me tasks, held me accountable, and gave me responsibility. . I was responsible for successes and failures. In reality, my COs and professors instruct us through books and theory, demonstrate the process in practice, and then give us the ultimatum: either succeed or fail.

Book of how to be a War Machine

I entered war at age 18, and in short, no one gave me a book on how to be a war machine; instead, I learned my responsibilities, why and how I am accountable for a successful mission, how to plan KIA and MIA, and after all, no one told me how to be brave or courageous; it was expected from me to lead, not cry, and ask for my mother; I needed to be a beacon of bravery and understanding, compassion, and ruthlessness at the same time.

But I did see alpha males who I looked so high, they were among the first to run away from war, holding their mothers skirts, their wives hands, dressing like women to enter the last armored train from my besieged city.

Not Why but How to Be a Man

The question you must ask yourself is not why you need to man up or how to reclaim your masculinity; after all, I never saw the modus operandi of hijacking anyone’s masculinity.

The question you should ask yourself is HOW to be a man, and as much as this question looks so complex, it is very simple, and the answer is, be you. Work on yourself; sharpen your skills to the next level regardless of what discipline you are good at, and pass that knowledge on to your kids; they are the ones who will learn from you.

Build your physical attributes; work on your health. After all health is most valuable commodity in life, without health there is no masculinity.

When you start reading all those books about masculinity, you need to understand several factors, and they are: Who are the authors? Are they academics or self-proclaimed gurus and coaches? Where are they coming from, and is their geographical position related to you?!

Niccolò Machiavelli wrote a masterpiece called The Prince, highly recommending that book, and even today scholars are trying to solve the thesis, “Did Machiavelli write The Prince as part of revenge so his name can be carried in eternity or not?” So most of the books you are reading are based on self-image and alter ego.

Is it reliance on books symptomatic of modern society’s crisis of mentorship and connection?!

I didn’t learn how to be a man from books – I learned from life. Books can guide us, but to be a man, you need to step into the battlefield of life—face adversity, take responsibility, and grow from your scars. Because being a man isn’t something you read; it is something you live!

How Your Social Media Posts Are Inviting Criminals into Your Home This Christmas


The festive season, particularly the period surrounding Christmas, is a time of celebration and pleasure.

Nevertheless, it also presents distinctive challenges in the context of crime, particularly those that are influenced by social media activities. Indeed, your social media activities serve as a beacon and a magnet for fraudsters, perpetrators, and low-level criminals such as burglars and drug addicts.

It is imperative to understand how individual online behaviours can unintentionally elevate the risks associated with our personal lives and businesses to protect and safeguard against potential threats.

The promotion of crime via social media

Social media platforms have become an indispensable part of daily life, offering opportunities to connect with others and share experiences.

However, the oversharing of personal information, such as travel plans or expensive purchases, can provide criminals with valuable insights.

Publicly announcing holiday travel plans, for instance, can increase the risk of a break-in by signalling to potential burglars that a residence will be vacant.

Statistics highlight the issue

Recent data underscores the connection between crime and social media activity during the holiday season:

  1. Burglary Rates Are Up: According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), home invasions are most prevalent during the summer, particularly in December, and frequently occur during the day.To obtain entry, thieves occasionally pose as service workers. The number of break-ins increases during the summer months due to vacant residences and the opening of windows and doors during holidays.The presence of valuable Christmas objects in homes is a contributing factor to the highest burglary rates in December.
  2. Increase in Online Shopping Scams: (according to the Daily Telegraph) The FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) received over 17,000 complaints of non-delivery products during the 2020 holiday season, resulting in a total of over $53 million in losses.
  3. Financial and emotional consequences
    During the holiday season, social media facilitates crimes that have significant consequences.

    • Emotional Impact: The significant emotional distress that victims frequently experience, such as feelings of anxiety and violation, can overshadow the excitement of the holidays.
    • Financial Losses: In addition to the immediate loss of valuables, individuals may be required to pay higher insurance premiums and the expenses associated with repairing damages.
    • Reputational Damage: Businesses may experience financial downturns as a consequence of falling victim to cybercrimes, which can erode consumer trust.

Preventative strategies for reducing risk

Consider the following strategies to protect yourself from crimes exacerbated by social media during the Christmas season:

  1. Restrict the Sharing of Personal Information: Refrain from publishing real-time updates regarding travel plans or costly purchases. Share this information exclusively with individuals you trust and consider modifying your privacy settings to limit the number of people who can view your posts.
  2. Enhance Home Security: Install surveillance cameras and alarm systems to establish robust security protocols. Make sure to secure all entry points and consider using timers for lighting to create the illusion of occupancy.
  3. Provide Family Members with Information: Engage in a conversation with all household members regarding the potential hazards of excessive social media sharing, with a particular emphasis on the necessity of discretion during the holiday season.
  4. Maintain awareness of common scams: Become familiar with common scams, such as phishing emails and phony online bargains, to more effectively identify and avoid them.
  5. Conduct Consistent Financial Statement Monitoring: Review bank and credit card statements on a regular basis to spot unauthorized transactions, which will help you respond quickly to any detected fraud.


Social media offers numerous advantages, but it’s crucial to exercise caution when disseminating information, especially during the holiday season.
Individuals and businesses can experience a more secure and safe holiday season by comprehending the potential hazards and implementing proactive measures.

From Doubt to Triumph—Achieving 100,000 Subscribers on “Life the Battlefield”


Scepticism was the response I received when I initially announced my intention to establish a podcast and YouTube channel, Life the Battlefield.

They told me it wouldn’t work. They warned me that I would embarrass myself and add unnecessary complications to my life.

However, I am here today to commemorate 100,000 subscribers, a milestone that I never underestimate. This achievement is not solely about numerical values; it is a testament to the strength of self-belief, strategic thinking, and perseverance.

This voyage was the result of a necessity, rather than a whim. I realized that an infinite number of individuals engaged in the discourse surrounding personal development, resilience, and leadership.

However, there were significantly fewer individuals who actively exemplified, demonstrated, and lived these principles.

I desired to exchange my personal experiences, acquire knowledge from others, and establish an environment that would foster genuine dialogue.

Nevertheless, I encountered substantial obstacles from the outset.

The “greedy pricing” that frequently surrounded podcast production was a significant impediment, making it appear unattainable.

However, this did not discourage me. Instead, I formulated a strategy based on the principles I gained from my military and diplomatic experiences.

These guiding principles provided me with a clear direction, allowing me to not only start but also achieve success.

The Seven Principles That Forged the Path:

Define the primary objective

I did not concentrate on the reasons why others harboured doubts about me. I concentrated on my objective: to establish a platform that would serve as a conduit for education, inspiration, and interpersonal interaction. The cornerstone was clarity of purpose.

Strategically organize the “how”

Success is not a result of chance; it is a deliberate process. I devised a strategy to accomplish my objectives by identifying the resources, talents, and connections necessary to establish and sustain my podcast.

The Priority of Timetable over Deadlines

Although deadlines can induce anxiety, a schedule encourages discipline. I maintained my focus without experiencing feelings of overwhelm by establishing achievable, quantifiable milestones.

Success in Reverse Engineering

I envisioned the ultimate objective—a flourishing channel with a robust audience—and proceeded to deconstruct it into manageable steps. This rendered even the most formidable obstacles feasible.

Maintaining consistency is paramount

Consistent attendance is indispensable. Consistency builds trust between oneself and one’s audience. It serves as the adhesive that maintains the cohesiveness of any undertaking.

Through perseverance, one can overcome obstacles

“No” is not a word in my vernacular. I refused to acknowledge setbacks or limitations as definitive. Despite the apparent bleakness, I adopted the mantra of grinding and pressing forward.

Learn from the right people

I exclusively pursued guidance from individuals who had previously traversed the path I aspired to follow. In the present day, there is an abundance of self-proclaimed experts who provide guidance that they have never implemented themselves. I intentionally surrounded myself with individuals who were action-oriented rather than talkative.

The reasons for individuals’ failure to achieve their objectives

Not due to a lack of talent or potential, but rather to avoidable hazards, many individuals are unable to realize their aspirations:

  • Fear of Failure: The apprehension of humiliation or making errors serves as an impediment to action. Don’t forget that failure is an inevitable component of the process.
  • Uncertain Objectives: Individuals are unable to establish a distinct objective, which results in a lack of direction and purpose.
  • Inconsistent Effort: Success necessitates discipline and perseverance, which are susceptible to fluctuation in the absence of a well-defined strategy.
  • Misguided Advice: The opinions of unqualified individuals often impede progress. Seek guidance from individuals who possess an authentic comprehension of the voyage.
  • Resigning Too Soon: It is inevitable that disappointments will occur. It is crucial to learn from them rather than allow them to vanquish you.

It was essential for me to comprehend these obstacles and consciously navigate around them to achieve success.

The Function of Mental Logistics

External strategy alone does not determine success; internal resilience also plays a crucial role. Surrounding myself with individuals who admired my natural qualities instead of my accomplishments was imperative.

These individuals celebrated victories and offered encouragement during difficult periods without any ulterior motives.

Additionally, mental logistics necessitated anticipating inevitable disappointments. I acquired the ability to adjust without losing momentum, regardless of whether the episode performed poorly, or a guest withdrew at the last minute.

Each setback served as an opportunity to enhance my resolve and refine my methodology.

Honouring the Journey

I am experiencing a sense of surrealism as I reflect on the achievement of 100,000 subscribers. It demonstrates that combining purpose with action can lead to success. This achievement was not solely about me; it was about establishing a platform for resilience, growth, and meaningful discourse.

Those who aspire to attain comparable objectives should be aware that the journey will be difficult. Critics and periods of self-doubt are inevitable.

However, success is inevitable when one adheres to their purpose, employs a strategic approach, and surrounds themselves with the appropriate individuals.

I am thrilled that my journey is far from over, and I am even more excited to help others succeed. If you are intent on realizing your aspirations, I am delighted to provide guidance to those who are prepared to dedicate themselves to their success.

Collectively, we can make aspirations a reality.

This milestone serves as a reminder that when one remains persistent, strategic, and authentic, one can transform the battlefield of life into a platform for growth and victory.

Please do not hesitate to reach out, pose inquiries, and share your personal experiences. And here’s to additional milestones—both yours and mine!

Fear, Fraud, and Fortune: Navigating the Crypto Scam Minefield

“Scams and fraud will only end when people decide it’s time to put a stop to them. Until then, education and raising awareness are our most powerful tools.”


Americans lost $5.6 billion to cryptocurrency scammers last year, up 45% from 2022, according to the FBI’s Cryptocurrency Fraud Report 2023.

Even in cases where there hasn’t been any money loss, FBI Director Christopher Wray stated that reporting such crimes to the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Centre is the greatest method to prevent cryptocurrency scammers.

The study states that the centre received over 69,000 complaints about cryptocurrency-related financial fraud and cybercrime last year.

According to Wray, frauds aimed at cryptocurrency investors are “growing incredibly quickly in severity and complexity.”

According to the survey, frauds involving cryptocurrency investments are the most common, with $3.9 billion taken.

Scams involving identity theft came in second, with losses exceeding $490 million.

With over 16,000 reports totalling over $1.6 billion in losses, those over 60 reported the greatest number of crypto fraud incidents and suffered the greatest losses.

The survey states that although 55 to 64-year-olds are more vulnerable to internet investment scams, Generation Z loses the most money to these types of schemes.

Most victims of cryptocurrency scams involving kiosks or cryptocurrency ATMs were older than 60.

Individuals in that age range lost over $124 million to cryptocurrency ATM scams.

The second-largest loss was over $11 million, incurred by those in the 50–59 age range.

The FBI provides tips for avoiding crypto scams, including verifying that the call originates from the business’ phone number and monitoring for differences in the domain names of phony emails and websites.

Let me start by asking you a question: have you previously invested in cryptocurrency or are you considering doing so.

Have you ever been concerned about your cryptocurrency asset’s security?

Not only has the popularity of cryptocurrency increased, but frauds and negative news have also increased.

Even astute investors are finding it harder and harder to recognise scams in the cryptocurrency space due to their increasing sophistication.

So how do you go over those dark, unknown waters?

How do you spot a trap and a good opportunity?

Let’s discuss this subject in brief.

What exactly is a cryptocurrency scam?

This is a scam that aims to steal your personal data or digital assets.

These scams include fake investment opportunities, schemes that lure you into disclosing your private passkeys, and schemes that involve delivering cryptocurrency to a fraudster are just a few examples of these scams.

So, how can you tell the difference between a real offer and a scam?

Everything is covered in detail.

Reputable cryptocurrency initiatives typically provide comprehensive, transparent details about their technology, personnel, and objectives.

A track record of growth, community involvement, and adherence to legal requirements frequently support them.

Scams, on the other hand, can demand hasty decisions, provide guaranteed large profits, or provide scant information.

Being able to distinguish between cryptocurrency may be your first line of defence.

Always keep in mind that if something appears excessively favourable, it usually is not as it seems.

Cryptocurrency scam types

Although the cryptocurrency industry has a lot of promise, there are also many frauds.

Here’s a closer look at a few typical varieties:

Phishing schemes

In these types of frauds, con artists create phoney emails or websites that mimic trustworthy sources. They request the entry of sensitive data, including login passwords or wallet keys.

For instance, you may receive an email asking you to confirm your account details, which appears to be from a reliable exchange. The goal is to obtain your cryptocurrency holdings and pilfer your information.

Ponzi and pyramid schemes

Named after well-known con artists, Ponzi and pyramid schemes offer substantial returns on investment.

A Ponzi scheme uses capital from newer investors, not profits, to pay returns to earlier investors.

The primary way that participants make money from the program is by bringing in new members.

Both are unfeasible and frequently collapse, leaving investors with losses when they invest later.


Initial Coin Offerings, or ICOs for short, are a way for new cryptocurrency companies to raise money.

However, scammers profit from investors’ interests in initial coin offerings by fabricating fake ones. If they lacked the necessary resources (team or technology), they could create complex webpages and white papers.

These fraudulent initial coin offerings frequently leave investors with useless tokens.

Pump and dump schemes

These involve inflating the price of a cryptocurrency artificially (“pump”) through false and deceptive positive remarks, followed by the sale of overvalued assets (“dump”).

Small investors are frequently drawn in by the increasing price without realising that it is artificially inflated, and when the organiser is sold, they are left with assets that have lost value.

Using names of celebrities

Scammers can mimic the names of celebrities or well-known figures in the cryptocurrency space or create phony referrals.

This is frequently done to increase the legitimacy and appeal of particular cryptocurrencies or ICOs to gullible investors.

Being aware of these scams is the first line of defence.

Do your research before making an investment and proceed cautiously when considering new investment options.

Identifying crypto scams

Being able to spot fraud is essential to safeguarding your finances.

These are the principal cautionary tales and red flags:

  • Great returns with no risk.
  • Be cautious when taking on any project that offers great returns with no risk at all.
  • Such claims are implausible in the erratic crypto market.
Absence of clear information

Trustworthy initiatives typically offer comprehensive details. A warning sign is when a project is opaque about its technology, team, or objectives.

Pressure to move fast

Scams frequently instil a sense of urgency, compelling you to invest right away to prevent losing out. Genuine investments don’t call for this kind of urgency.

Manipulative marketing strategies

Overzealous commercials, the use of celebrity endorsements, or eye-catching images devoid of any substance can all be indicators of fraud.

Unsolicited offers

Be cautious when you receive unsolicited investment proposals, particularly through email or social media.

Keep in mind that in the world of cryptocurrency, education equates to protection.

Educated = Protected

Know what to do if you come across a crypto scam

What should you do if you suspect fraud?
  • Stop all communication with the suspected scammer immediately. Avoid disclosing any additional personal information or cash.
  • Protect your property: If you have provided sensitive data, secure it as quickly as feasible.
  • This could entail transferring funds to a new, more secure wallet and or changing passwords and security settings.
  • Document everything. Keep a record of all communications, transactions, and other pertinent information. This documentation will be crucial for reporting fraud.
Report instances of fraud and scam
  • Inform all cryptocurrency exchanges or wallet providers about the scam.
  • Report the incident on the platform if the fraud was carried out via a website or social media account, report the incident on the platform. As a result, you can suspend the fraudulent user’s account.
  • To alert others, share your experience in cryptocurrency communities. To better protect the community, keep an eye out for similar frauds.

Remember that crypto criminals adapt quickly to new technologies.

They modify their strategies as awareness and security increase, resulting in new sorts of frauds.

Every development in the crypto market, such as a new digital asset or blockchain update, prompts fraudsters to devise new strategies.

Follow credible news sources, participate in crypto forums, and attend relevant webinars or seminars to keep your understanding about crypto fraud up to date.

Crime, Cryptos, and Consequences: The Fall of Bitcoin’s Bonnie & Clyde


In the era of the internet, perception and reality hardly ever collide.

The ideal way for me to begin my text is with this sentence. This describes the history of the current era.

A judicial epilogue has emerged from one of the largest cryptocurrency scams to date, aligning with the recurring themes of cryptocurrencies and the increasing prevalence of scams in this field.

This is the tale of Bitcoin Bonnie and Clyde, two contemporary scammers.

But to add some weight to this article, let me share with you some statistics.

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) estimates that cryptocurrency fraud lost $679 million in the first half of 2024, according to Sangfor. Investment scams were the most common type of crypto-related scam, accounting for 46% of all cases.

But let’s start in order.

The development of Bitcoin

During the summer of 2016, someone in Hong Kong found a flaw in the Bitfinex cryptocurrency exchange’s code and stole 119,754 bitcoins, which were worth $72 million at the time.

At the time, Bitfinex was among the top exchanges for purchasing and selling digital assets, including cryptocurrency.

What I want to highlight is that the value of Bitcoin was approximately $600 at the time, and it increased to approximately $69,000 in 2021.

Consequently, the stolen coins were valued at $8.3 billion, making this the most significant incident.

Furthermore, it’s important to acknowledge that the cryptocurrency market experiences significant fluctuations.

In 2022, its value dropped from 8.3 billion to 2.5 billion dollars.

With the introduction of Bitcoin, a new era of money began.

Before then, there was no such thing as financial anonymity on the Internet. Every time we made a purchase, we were required to divulge our data, stored in databases.

Everything starts to change in 2009, when Bitcoin first appears. None of us, I think, had any faith in how the banking sector would improve.

But the emergence of cryptocurrency has ushered in a new period of criminal activity.

As a result, websites on the dark web emerged, simplifying the process of purchasing uranium, weapons, poisons, drugs, fake diplomas, and other items using Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

As I have stated, the Internet’s ability to provide financial anonymity directly contributes to the proliferation of ransomware attacks on computer systems, as criminals and scammers are always on the lookout for opportunities.

Attackers took people and businesses as “hostages” and demanded a Bitcoin “ransom” to access their computer systems.

According to the FBI’s 2021 report, there are seven bank robberies and 4,000 ransomware attacks in a single day.

Imagine that.

New age, new crime

When you think of a hacker, the first image that comes to mind is a teenage boy hacking in his home’s basement. However, well-organized groups, some of which are even supported by certain countries, now steal cryptocurrency.

Like regular robberies, hacking is a highly difficult crime to catch and prosecute.

The only way is to catch the thief with the stolen money.

Bonnie and Clyde (Bitcoin)

Investigators attempted to follow the flow of the stolen bitcoins for some time following the Bitfinex breach, but they were unable.

Somewhere on the blockchain, the money was simply sitting.

We discovered early in 2017 that the dark market was laundering some stolen cryptocurrency.

After apprehending the founder of the AlphaBay website, which sold stolen cryptocurrency, the detectives found hints on the confiscated servers that led them to Wal Street.

Additionally, they discovered a peculiar young couple in the heart of Manhattan, who did not conform to the characteristics of organized international hacker groups.

Their social media accounts showed:

“Dutch” was the pseudonym of Ilya Lichtenstein, a 34-year-old Russian-accented young man with dark hair and piercing eyes who blogged about cryptocurrencies on his X (Twitter) account and occasionally retweeted Snowden.

Posting images of himself and his pet cat, Clarissa, he described himself as an investor, an innovative young man who loves big data, automation, blockchain technology, and mountaineering.

A young woman named Heather Morgan had several accounts on social media sites like Facebook, X, and TikTok. She also had three accounts on Instagram: one for herself, one for her alter ego rapper Razzlekhan, and one for her pet cat, Clarissa.

She holds a master’s degree in the economics of international development and a bachelor’s degree in economics and international relations, according to her LinkedIn profile.

All of these struck investigators as quite odd, particularly since the couple didn’t pretend to be billionaire cryptocurrency thieves or lead extravagant lives.

Ilya and Heather, on the other hand, lived their lives away from social media, which is a stark contrast to how many people today aspire to be well-known and pretend to lead prosperous and successful lives on social media.

They spent money on gold coin purchases and travels they didn’t really advertise. Prior to the COVID epidemic, they travelled to Ukraine and laid the foundation for their future together.

Additionally, investigators watched and followed this pair as they got married.

During the wedding, friends noted that Heather had been acting strangely lately and questioned how they managed to afford such an extravagant wedding.

They even made a connection between Heather’s approach to overcoming life’s challenges and her alter ego, Razzlekhan.

Modus operandi

Liechtenstein masterminded one of the largest bitcoin thefts in history in 2016, involving the billions of dollars taken from cryptocurrency exchange Bitfinex.

He gained access to the Bitfinex network using a variety of sophisticated hacking tools and methods.

Once Lichtenstein gained access to their systems, he falsely approved over 2,000 transactions, transferring 119,754 bitcoins from Bitfinex to a wallet he controlled.

Lichtenstein returned to Bitfinex’s network and erased log files and login credentials in order to hide his activities.

After the hack, Lichtenstein asked his wife, Heather, to help him launder the stolen money.

The two employed a variety of advanced washing techniques, including:

  • creating online accounts under false pretences
  • automating transactions with computer program

The process involves depositing stolen funds into accounts on various darknet markets and cryptocurrency exchanges.

Withdrawing funds obscures the transaction history trail by stopping the flow of funds.

They laundered the stolen money using a service known as Bitcoin Fog.

Lichtenstein claimed to have used hashing services like Bitcoin Fog, a popular darknet tool, to conceal assets.

But this was not his primary washing technique. When he discovered that other services “suited his purposes better,” he stopped using that specific mixer.

However, because blockchain transactions are transparent, it may be possible to trace their behavior.

Most of the pilfered funds remained in the wallet unaltered for years.

However, as the money gradually began to move from wallets into the conventional banking system, investigators were able to start linking transactions to actual people.

That’s how they ended up with this odd couple.

Investigators used a search warrant to raid the apartment at 75 Wall Street in early January 2022 after all leads pointed to the pair.

They caught them off guard before they had a chance to encrypt their laptops and phones.

The most crucial aspect of the arrest was catching the criminals off guard so they couldn’t lock their electronics or shut down their laptops, which in this case might have contained crucial hints about the location of the stolen cryptocurrency.

Investigators found a variety of foreign currencies in transparent plastic bags, along with $40,000 in cash secured with pink elastic bands.

They found over fifty computers, tablets, phones, and other gadgets in the residence.

A month later, the government used the raid’s evidence to conclusively link Lichtenstein and Morgan to the online wallet involved in the Bitfinex hack.

They immediately dubbed their pair “Bitcoin Bonnie & Clide”

Both charges carry a maximum 25-year jail sentence.

  • conspiracy to defraud the United States is underway.
  • conspiracy to commit money laundering.

They described the arrest in its news release as the “largest financial seizure” in US history.

The government seized 94,000 bitcoins, valued at approximately $3.6 billion, but 25,000 of the original coins remain missing.

According to the Fed, a complex money laundering process moved the coins from Liechtenstein’s wallet and transferred some of the stolen money into bank accounts controlled by Morgan and Liechtenstein.

Since his arrest in February 2022, Lichtenstein has served time in prison and issued an apology for his behaviour.

Lichtenstein acknowledged being responsible for the hacking as part of a plea agreement.

The court found him guilty of one of the biggest bitcoin thefts ever and sentenced him to five years in prison.

In addition, Morgan entered a guilty plea to one count of conspiracy to commit money laundering last year.

Her sentencing is scheduled to be announced in the next few days.

The Lichtenstein and Morgan case illustrates both the growing capacity of law enforcement to track down and confiscate illicitly obtained cryptocurrency as well as developments in blockchain security and monitoring.

Additionally, I always stress that if you choose to invest in cryptocurrencies, you should exercise extreme caution.

Deep State – Truth, myth, or conspiracy theories


I doubt that anyone hasn’t heard the term “Deep State” at least once.

This term is particularly associated with Donald Trump’s victory in the most recent US elections.

During our recent talk, a close friend of mine stated that, in her opinion, the “Deep State” and the “God particle” are concepts whose existence has been conjectured for decades but not demonstrated.

Is she correct?

Let’s collaborate to strive for understanding.

The “Deep State” concept has been associated with a number of political events, including the assassination of US President John F. Kennedy; the Susurluk affair in Turkey that exposed the link between politics and crime in 1996; and the presidency of US President Donald Trump, who greatly popularised the idea by accusing various state authorities of obstruction.

Donald Trump’s most recent campaign brought this word back into the public eye.

Definition: Deep State

Different definitions of “Deep State” exist in different eras and nations due to the lack of professional consensus on the term.

Wikipedia defines a “Deep State” as a type of government consisting of potentially secret and unauthorised power networks that operate independently of a state’s political leadership, pursuing their own agenda and goals.

In modern usage, the phrase typically carries negative connotations and is often associated with conspiracy theories.

The belief that unofficial connections between public servants and outside organisations, which may be criminal or ideological in nature, hold greater political significance than the elected government is known as the “Deep State fear”.

The most extreme viewpoints, which maintain that the official government is a front for a secret and superior authority that controls everything behind the scenes, are indicative of stereotypical conspiracy theories.

Though rejecting such improbable hypotheses, more balanced viewpoints express concern about the corruption of the government and the subjection of regulatory agencies to different external interests.

Does the informality and secrecy of some state affairs under democratic systems necessarily lead to the formation of a “Deep State”?

As a former member of the intelligence community, I understand that citizens shouldn’t be aware of some security entities’ acts, but the democratic system has a way to control this.

However, populist political figures have mostly used the concept of the “Deep State” as a conspiracy theory around the world.

Is Trump simply a populist leader? Or…

Let’s go back to the beginning.

Let’s describe the “Deep State” and its origins.

We do not have a definitive answer to this question, as I have stated.

Typically, the phrase refers to purported military or government branches that are believed to function outside of the formal chain of command and authority.

Evidently, this network divides in a systematic and highly conspiratorial manner, operating behind the scenes and according to their interests and purposes, thereby undermining the policies of the elected government.

Derin Devlet

Turkish politics first used the term “Derin Devlet,” which translates as “Deep State”.

In this instance, it alludes to purported covert ties between the Turkish mafia, right-wing paramilitary groups, and government officials. This phrase gained traction during the Susurluk scandal in 1996. A senior police official, a wanted criminal, and a member of the Turkish parliament were all riding together in a car that was involved in a traffic accident in the city of the same name. Inside the car, they discovered documents proving their cooperation.

Thirteen individuals received prison sentences five years later.

Many people in Turkey still think that there is a “Deep State” that exists to protect secularism.

The Deep State is believed to consist of high-ranking military personnel, retired bureaucrats, some politicians, the media, and hidden elements of the military and intelligence services; despite the lack of evidence supporting such theories.

Additional perspectives suggest that the Gladio Organization created the “Counter-Guerrilla” and the Deep State in Turkey during the Cold War to persuade Turkey to join NATO to counter the threat of Soviet communism spreading.

The English Constitution

The British author Walter Badgett’s 1867 essay “The English Constitution” discusses the two governments of Great Britain and mentions the idea of the Deep State, but under a different name.

“As long as we have dual institutions—one worthy and intended to impress the many, and the other efficient and intended to rule the many—we should take care that they fit together nicely and hide where one ends and the other begins”, said Badgett.

Germany The Deep State

The idea of a “Deep State” is comparable to the Reichsbürger movement, which is viewed as a serious domestic threat in Germany. Far-right extremists comprise this movement, asserting the continued existence of the German Reich, a pre-1945 entity, and contesting the legitimacy of the Federal Republic of Germany.

In order to express their opinions, members of this movement frequently employ pseudo-legal strategies, refuse to pay taxes, and produce their own identification cards.

German authorities stopped a coup attempt in December 2022 that was planned by a group influenced by conspiracy beliefs like QAnon and the Reichsbürger movement.

The plotters aimed to overthrow the German government and establish a new one under the leadership of Prince Heinrich XIII, a minor aristocrat.

In order to accomplish their objectives, the plotters gathered weapons and recruited ex-military individuals with the intention of using force.

Anticipating their triumph, the group had drafted a new government structure and assigned people to cabinet-like positions. Although there is no proof that Russia approved of, or reacted favourably to their overtures, they attempted to collaborate with them.

Deep Politics and the Death of Kennedy

The 1993 book “Deep Politics and the Death of John F. Kennedy” by Peter Dale Scott is one of the works that popularised the idea of a deep state in America.

According to Scott, profound politics transcends official, constitutionally mandated government organisations.

He was able to identify the fuzziness of the distinctions between governmental and non-governmental organisations, which promote corruption and diminish openness.

Scott was “concerned” about America’s intelligence services and their connections to industry and crime during the 1950s and 1970s, despite their lack of direct government involvement.

He suspected that the pseudo-government groups established to avoid democratic decision-making were responsible for the Watergate scandal and the Kennedy assassination.

America’s Deep State

Even before Trump’s appointment as president, there was discussion about the existence of two concurrent American governments. The stories claim that there is one government in Washington that is visible to the public and that there is another, more obscure, undefined government that is not subject to legal regulations and is invisible to visitors to the White House and the Capitol.

Additionally, after Trump won the 2016 election, discussions about the “Deep State” increased in America.

His followers view the “Deep State” as an administrative, bureaucratic state, with workers from federal agencies supervising the government’s daily operations.

When the parties in power change, those civil workers remain the same.

Supporters of Trump began to believe that bureaucrats have interests distinct from those of the state, that they will either delay or not implement government initiatives, and that they will simply battle to maintain their positions during his first term.

Upon his initial election, Trump accused “unelected Deep State operatives” of disregarding the electorate’s vote to advance their covert agenda. Trump referred to them as “a threat to democracy”.

Trump said that the “Deep State,” through the Food and Drug Administration, was purposefully postponing the development of a COVID vaccine and the granting of a license to deploy it at the start of the 2020 coronavirus pandemic.

Trump’s remarks after losing the 2020 election sparked the QAnon theory, which is based on unverified assertions that the former president is conducting a covert war against powerful satanic paedophiles in the media, industry, and government.

Because they seek to curtail the authority of regulatory agencies, Republicans have long harboured misgivings about the bureaucratic state. People are increasingly listening to what Trump says, after the most recent elections.

The American right-wing strategically condenses its long-term propaganda in this direction by highlighting worries about corruption and transparency with the term “Deep State”.

However, we anticipate that Elon Musk’s election to his closest group of trusted individuals will ensure maximum transparency in the future Presidents and Government’s work. That’s what they’re saying now, anyway.

Many right-wing Republicans believe the “Deep State” consists of a growing bureaucracy and an administrative structure that puts its own interests ahead of the state’s.

Additionally, left-leaning Democrats view the “Deep State” as a military-industrial system that initiates and sustains wars to further its own agenda.

Where is the truth?

Is the ‘Deep State’ good or bad?

Even though politicians tend to criticize the Deep State, many scientists are still debating whether it could potentially benefit societies.

The way we define it will determine its outcome.

If we describe the “Deep State” as a negative phenomenon, a network of elements participating in a conspiracy against the elected government with its own agenda, we will perceive it as a threat to the formal government, its legitimacy, and its interests.

However, in contrast, it is a beneficial thing if the “Deep State” is defined as a military and political structure that endures and persists despite changes at the highest levels of government and maintains the continuity of state policy.

What are your thoughts about that?

Is there a “Deep State” or “Deep States” in the world?

What is their role?

Who Could Be a Soviet KGB Agent?


Ever wonder what it takes to become an agent? A secret agent? Or spy?

My story doesn’t revolve around Snow-White and the Seven Dwarves.

During a coffee break with a colleague from my branch, a stunning woman approached me and respectfully inquired if I was Mario.

I responded to her, advising her not to approach strangers in such a manner. On Monday, at precisely 8 a.m., I received an envelope from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Two years later, I received full membership in Directorate VII of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

But let’s travel back in time and explore how to become a KGB secret agent.

Who could potentially be a KGB agent, and what are the steps to become one?

Becoming a spy in the all-powerful Soviet secret service was not an effortless task.

The Soviet KGB actively sought out agents and workers, sometimes even without their will.

Who was employed by the KGB?

The KGB guaranteed benefits for its employees. The secret service employed a large number of individuals from a variety of backgrounds.

The KGB, a complex organisation with multiple directorates, each with its own area of responsibility, opened positions and filled them with individuals who possessed the necessary profile or specialisation.

The USSR’s KGB was a big and sophisticated institution.

The First Main Intelligence Directorate’s work differed substantially from the territorial counterintelligence administration.

There were numerous specialists fighting groups and technology teams.

There was also a military counterintelligence department, border soldiers with their own secret service, and the Directorate of Special Communications.

Party officials’ security was the responsibility of the 7th and 9th departments.

Therefore, the KGB provided employment opportunities for a diverse range of individuals.


Simultaneously, a strong and very discreet institution viewed unsolicited applications with suspicion.

KGB recruiters diligently searched colleges, the army, factories, and other places for potential candidates unaffiliated with the secret police.

Recruitment officers watched and evaluated prospective applicants in their surroundings.

Most of the time, future KGB officers were not aware that the secret service was considering them as potential agents.

Unintentional spies

KGB officers used a wide network of informants to accomplish their objectives.

The KGB frequently persuaded, or even coerced, both foreigners and Soviets.

The main targets for hiring KGB operatives stationed outside, particularly in Western nations, were those who had already attained a high position or special role in their country, or those who may do so in the future.

According to a secret KGB handbook, KGB agents concentrated their recruitment efforts mainly on organizations in charge of overseeing the nation’s foreign policies, such as:

  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
  • the Cabinet of Ministers,
  • Political party leadership centers, etc.

KGB agents particularly sought out people who were dissatisfied with their jobs or who already shared the Soviet Union’s declared objectives and guiding ideals.

Recruits found universities all over the world to be a promising environment.

They will be useful to students as they advance in their careers.

Soviet nationals frequently unintentionally became informants and agents of the KGB.

Classic recruitment refers to a situation where an individual is aware of their recruitment. That person frequently signs a statement of engagement under a false identity.

We instruct that person on basic or sophisticated encryption methods, including cyphers, linkages, and passwords.

Agents who infiltrate terrorist organizations—drug cartels, gangs, etc.—need to be extremely skilled.

There are other documented instances where the KGB enlisted writers, painters, and athletes as members of the intelligentsia to cover dissidents in their community.

Potential recruits

The USSR might then invite potential recruits found overseas for further processing.

Without relationships with the leaders of the nation’s political and civil society, diplomats and journalists with USSR accreditation could not advance in their careers.

This lays the groundwork for building relationships with foreigners, fostering their operational growth, and luring them to cooperate with intelligence.

Espionage is a covert profession by nature.

Therefore, if a potential recruit goes to the Soviet Union with a delegation, he should never be the delegation leader.

The delegation should also be large enough to give the target the greatest amount of anonymity possible.

Moscow will come to the target if he is unable to come to Moscow.

An agent already stationed in that nation may be activated, or an operator will be dispatched to visit under the pretense of a study program or professional meeting.

The process then produces a file known as the beginning study file. If the operation progresses to the next phase, we open the Operational Development File.

A number of operators from various KGB departments will oversee you.

Expulsion from the KGB

The KGB appears to have selected informants and agents at random. The State Security Committee physically brought the candidates out. Exclusion resulted from a negative reputation and certain physical traits.

Candidates who appeared unobtrusive were preferred.

The prevalence of nervous twitches, eyesight and squinting difficulties, speech problems, protruding teeth, and obvious birthmarks, among other visible physical deformities, has significantly decreased.

It was considered that such applicants could not consistently complete their tasks.

Additionally, the KGB prohibited members of specific ethnic groups from working there.

For example, KGB recruiters typically shunned Jews, Crimean Tatars, Karachays, Kalmyks, Chechens, Ingush, Greeks, Germans, Koreans, and Finns.

They were viewed as “unreliable.”

In the USSR, racial discrimination was not a novel idea.

Hollywood’s Dark Obsession: The Seductive Power of Cults

What first comes to mind when you hear the terms “cult” or “sect”?

The word “sect” always elicits a response in any situation.

It’s a strong term with a rich history and significance.

“Cults” are a challenging topic because the definition is quite subjective and up for debate. Sometimes, it can be challenging to distinguish between a cult and a religion due to their similarities.

Cult members who argue that they are participating voluntarily and leading happy lives may further complicate the consensus.

Some definitions define a cult as a small group under the control of a self-styled leader who wields unsettling power over his followers.

An authoritarian structure, isolation from the outside world, and strange or unconventional beliefs distinguish a cult as a type of religious or quasi-religious organization.

Cults are often highly structured, cohesive, secretive, and antagonistic toward outsiders.

Many people mistakenly believe that there are only a few cults, like the Manson Family or NXIVM, but in reality, there are far more than they are willing to acknowledge. However, the reality is that many people are still quite active.

Some of your favourite celebrities have been cult members over the years.

Numerous celebrities have talked about their experiences in these groups.

Some have survived well into their twenties, while others have recounted how they had to flee at night to avoid the sect.

Many well-known individuals exclusively belong to specific sects. Some have ties to former members, while others were born into these sects.

Hollywood and cults seem to collaborate more frequently than most people realize.

Cult recruit

Whether it’s through social media, newsgroups, community clubs, events, or other similar venues, cults actively recruit new members. Especially nowadays through social networks.

These situations are often public, non-threatening, and unlikely to raise suspicions.

Cult recruiters aim to gather as much information as possible about potential candidates to meet their group of friends at a social gathering, such as a dinner party or other event.

Even though the chosen targets are largely ignorant, these seemingly harmless actions are the first steps towards recruitment into the cult.

Most cults share the following characteristics:

  • The members undoubtedly adore a charismatic leader.
  • Members of cults frequently reside in a separate, devoted society.

Target groups: vulnerable groups of people

People who belong to this group typically want to escape from unfortunate life situations and find the saddest sense of belonging and acceptance—the meaning of life, if I may say so.

And cults target exactly this group of people, such as:

  • teenage runaways,
  • drug addicts,
  • survivors of abuse

those who have lost someone close to them through death or breakup, those who suffer from insecurities or mental health issues, or anyone who feels disconnected from society.

“Love Bombing”

When the “recruit” first joins the cult, he is typically unaware of the group’s plans and is showered with attention, love, and validation.

This tactic is called “love bombing.” She makes the recruit think he found what he wanted and will return to the group.

This is crucial in the initial stages of the cult’s strategy, as the recruit is not yet under their control and requires a sense of safety.

Taking control

In the beginning, many cults separate “recruits” from their families, friends, and jobs, slowly reshaping their identities to fit the group.

They can force the recruit to hand over their money, belongings, and bodies to the cult leader and other members. Sometimes they force new members to marry people they have just met.

They can also employ tactics such as punishment and deprivation to gradually wear them down.

At times, they use threats to intimidate new members, making them dependent and fearful of leaving the group.

Their behaviour becomes unrecognizable to both the environment and themselves.

Cults and California

These days, California and Hollywood come to mind when we think of a cult or sect. But do cults only want what California and Hollywood have to offer?

Why do we all hold these opinions?

Among the most well-known cults or sects in America are The SoCal Home—Children of God, Heaven’s Gate, People’s Temple, the Manson Family NKSIVM, and, depending on how one defines the term cult, Scientology.

But does this stereotype have any truth to it?

Since cults and sects are widespread throughout the world, I don’t think so. There isn’t a possible cult member profile. A charismatic leader can influence anyone, offering alluring promises that ultimately result in actual harm.

Why, then, does the myth still exist? Is there a connection between cults and California or Hollywood? It’s a question that’s challenging to answer.

However, what cults and cults have to provide is actually what California and Hollywood have to offer.

Hollywood has always been a dream. Especially for us from communist nations.

And if you wanted to market something new to a group of wealthy people, you went to the United States or California.

By the turn of the twentieth century, the gold rush and Hollywood had made the country synonymous with wealth.

Founders of new religious movements found California particularly appealing because it was essentially “unchurched” in its early days, unlike other countries where established religions held power.

Those who founded sects and cults initially sought to coerce followers into giving them money and sex.

However, as the thirst for money grows, as it does in all megalomaniacs, sects and cults require extremely forceful tactics to gain new believers.

And who is the best for it? Of course, famous people.

Celebrities with public power, like Tom Cruise and John Travolta, are excellent ways to promote a cult.

Recruiting from the entertainment business and targeting wealthy individuals linked with it is an effective growth strategy. Most cults and sects establish branches in Los Angeles after growing in other cities and countries.


Many cult groups and sects begin relatively benignly, regardless of where they originate.

Everything appears innocent at first, but as the leaders’ power-hungry tendencies grow, they become increasingly dangerous. For them, it’s simply a job.

Today, in the age of technology and digital media, film directors rely on shots, editing, lighting, and other visual elements to compensate for evident problems in the script.

Such films do not prioritize quality but instead aim to gain as much money as possible at the box office by promoting major Hollywood celebrities.

Some films may not intend to convey the message as clearly as the first impression. Their filmmakers are continuously “playing with you” and attempting to “push” things you may not grasp at first glance.

Many of them use metaphors to attempt to convey “something completely different” from what you are currently seeing and hearing, while remaining virtually undetected. On the other hand, others use a variety of subversive themes that are often overlooked.

All of this is impacting moviegoers, and celebrities are becoming more involved in these ventures, sending messages and recruiting new cult members.


It’s the same with fortune tellers. I believe you have at least once encountered or witnessed fortune tellers, primarily gipsies, who wish to practice palmistry.

They read your hand for a small fee, uncovering sinister, unsettling omens that require a second, costly session to decipher.

As a result, Scientology establishes a complex network of courses and processes.

First, talk in a calm setting.

This cult or sect aims to inspire individuals to explore their potential, enhance their IQ, and take control of their destiny. He provides a well-balanced blend of psychological tactics, promises of salvation, and spirituality.

The 1950s and 1960s saw a shift away from subcultures in the pursuit of meaning through contemporary technologies and exotic religions.

What began with the spiritual travels of some hipsters quickly evolved into a wave of spiritual fads, culminating in many cults in the 1960s and, eventually, the esoteric movement.

Psychology and cultures

Psychology poses a threat to cults and sects. Free thought poses a serious risk. Any belief system is, in theory, a means of putting out the pure mind.

Jehovah’s Witnesses deny blood transfusions, macrobiotics allow their children to starve, and Scientology’s complete prohibition on the use of psychotherapy or psychiatric medications has already resulted in avoidable suicides.

Almost all cults and sects use similar strategies. They frequently involve indoctrination.

During my research on this topic, I discovered that psychiatrist Robert J. Lifton characterized this pattern in his 1961 essay “Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism.”

He identifies eight parameters for this technology.

Control over interactions with the outside world, the idea that the group has greater goals than the rest of the world is prevalent.

  • Confession;
  • Purity
  • Learning about sacred science
  • Difficult-to-understand jargon

The group doctrine emphasizes the importance of the group over the individual.

The promise of salvation.


This is strictly business. Since religion is a billion-dollar industry, sects operate similarly to corporations.

In the United States, it is also tax-free with the appearance of a church.

Stars, like advertising personalities, receive preferential treatment.

The Celebrity Centre, located at the foot of the Hollywood Hills, is vital for this. Stars can retreat in a lavish setting from the world that is constantly demanding something from them: autographs, press conferences, photos, and contracts.

Here they find tranquillity, assistance, and encouragement.

Organizations outside of science now use this method.

Madonna, Britney Spears, David Beckham, and Victoria Beckham have all embraced the Kabbalah Centre’s tactics, which are based on Jewish mysticism.

They are two of the most well-known cults, possibly because of the celebrities.

Of course, with so much money, there are risks involved.

Sects, cults, and power are all cantered around money.

And what are your thoughts and opinions on this topic?